Anglosaský meč s prsteňom-Anglo-saxon sword with ring-pommel

Anglosaský meč s prsteňom-Anglo-saxon sword with ring-pommel
Anglosaský meč s prsteňom-Anglo-saxon sword with ring-pommel

Historia tohto meča sa začala ešte v roku 2012,ked som pracoval na replike meča zo Sutton Hoo.

Prvá čepel nebola podla mojich predstáv,kedže mi vyšiel nesprávny pomer medzi jadrom a ostrím. Rozhodol som sa preto robit druhú čepel,ktorú som potom použil. O rok neskôr ma zákazník,ktorému bola určená poctil návštevou,čo som nečakal, kedže býva na opačnom konci sveta a ked videl "nepodarok"objednal si k čepeli "nejaký jednoduchší meč".

Rozhodli sme sa pre volnejšiu repliku meča s prsteňom na hlavici a niellovanou výzdobou, podla nálezov v juhovýchodnom Anglicku zo 6.stor.n.l. Rukovat je zo striebra,rohoviny a brezového dreva,čepel má jadro z dvoch druhov zvarkovej ocele a železného meteoritu.


The history of this sword began in 2012 when I was working on a replica of the Sutton Hoo sword.

The first blade was not according to my expectations, because I had an incorrect ratio between the core and the edge. So I decided to do the second blade I used then. A year later, a customer who was determined to have been visited by a visit that I did not expect, because he live at the other end of the world and when he saw the "
unsupported piece" ordered the blade "any simpler sword".

We decided to have a looser replica of a sword with a ring on the head and a nielloed decoration, according to findings in southeast England from the 6th century. Handle is made of silver, horn and birch wood, the blade has a core of two types of welded steel and an iron meteorite.

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